About the Philosophy of Unity
The Philosophy of Unity is a revolutionary manifesto calling for humanity to unite beyond differences and work towards a fairer, freer, and better future. To do so, we must end power and wealth monopolies, ensure equity across the planet and create a system to administer our world.
Our story
As you can read in our letter, we - Andrea Venzon & Colombe Cahen-Salvador - wrote this Philosophy in an attempt to provide a vision to bind humanity together across the planet.
We know it's insanely ambitious. But since 2016, we've been working to unite people beyond borders to solve some of the biggest issues of our times. After building a progressive political party across Europe, we launched a global grassroots movement called Atlas and campaigned worldwide for equity and freedom. Through those endeavours, we learnt, failed, sometimes succeeded and got the opportunity to think through many of today's challenges and meet and work with incredible leaders, volunteers, and to speak to many people from all over our planet. Maybe more importantly, we witnessed first-hand what is possible if we choose to believe in a brighter future, in the possibility of a fairer, better, and freer world. It will take sacrifices, it will be long, it will be hazardous, but the road to Unity is possible together.
But we didn't "just" want to write. We are putting this vision into action as Atlas has now become a global political party and is advancing this very philosophy in elections across the globe.
What's next?
🖋️ This philosophy is in the making. We will keep updating and bettering it, so please send us your feedback!
✊ If you want to take action to make it a reality, check out the last chapter of the Philosophy - "The Road to Unity". It has many concrete suggestions on how to go about it. We may be biased, but we suggest you join our global political party, also in the making, Atlas.
🫶🏿 We won't stop there. We want to create a community out of this Philosophy. We want to write more about it, exchange, learn, and organise events. So stay tuned.